Friday, September 28, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

I haven't been blogging for quite a while, but for the first time ever (and probably my last), I was nominated my very first award, The Versatile Blogger Award. Before I go any further, I'd simply like to thank Deelila Dhiantie for nominating me.

The Rules
  1. Nominate up to 15 bloggers (Since I don't follow many people, I'm going to bend this rule.)
  2. Let the nominated bloggers know that they have been nominated for this award.
  3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
  4. Thank the blogger who has nominated you in a blog post linking back to their blog.
  5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your post.

7 Random Facts
  1. I can watch Rush Hour countless times, and it will never get old.
  2. I like listening to composed music and scores. (or the more common term, classical music)
  3. I bought a chocolate bar just because Captain America was on it. Money well spent.
  4. I'm actually pretty boss at playing Super Mario Bros. Wii. 
  5. In band class, I tend to fangirl over music we're playing composed by John Williams.
  6. I'm obsessed with Divergent and usually react when the answer is "Four/ 4" in Algebra class.
  7. I follow Spieling Peter Pan (Andrew Ducote) on Twitter. (He no longer works at Disneyland though.)
My Nominations for the Award

Thursday, September 27, 2012

We meet again.

Yes, I know. I know. It has been more than a month since my last post. Blah, blah, blah. I blame school, and the homework from every single class. Other than that, just be glad that I'm writing up another post.

It's 10:50 PM right now. I regret nothing.

You might have noticed the changes I've made on my blog here. I wanted to make my blog look pretty like the all the Facebook ulzzangs' blogs, haha! I put a banner on the top of my blog. I also put a fall themed background. I fixed the color scheme and the fonts. I also arranged the side widgets, so now there's a clock, a cup of tea, and a panda. Don't ask about the cup of tea or the panda. They were just cute, so I chose them. I'm not done with everything though.

I finished Struck by Jennifer Bosworth, so now I'm reading Matched by Ally Condie. Matched has the kind of storyline where there's a love triangle, and you can't decide on which dude you like better. It's like the Korean drama called Dream High. (Which reminds me, I need to re-watch that.) You can't decide on who the main character should end up with. Sometimes I like this character and not the other, but then later I switch it around. If you need a better summary, google it. I'm not good at explanations.
Matched by Ally Condie (Yes, that's me holding the book)
It's International Day at school tomorrow. I'm going in uniform because that's how it works.

I don't upload very many pictures of myself because I have to photoshop each of them, so it takes a lot of work. But whatever, I had time to photoshop three pictures, and here's the one I like the best:
This is a potato. Say hi to the potato, everyone!
That's all for now.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day!

First of all, Happy Labor Day to all of you who work or are in labor! 
Haha, just kidding about the "in labor" part.

Eugh. School tomorrow. Gross.
LOL we didn't go to the beach, just saying.
But we went to other places that musn't be named because stalkers will know where I live, and then there would be a problem.
For lunch, Yakisoba, bby. 
That shiz is good. I can't even.

We filmed Box 303, today! I'll post a teaser/preview on here soon! 
And we took derp photos. lol.
I'm not even going to show them to you.
You might get blind from our derpy attractiveness.
Oh snap, see what I did there? I'm smooth. Haha.
I own a Canon EOS 7D, and I'll upload a picture of it when I'm in the mood.
But you can check out photos that I took with it on my tumblr 'mine' page here.
That includes a face photo. I'm sorry if I blinded you with my derpy attractiveness.
Deal with it.

LOL, alright. We're going back to a normal school week which means, I won't be posting on here everyday.
I'll try my best to go on here when I can.
It's not my fault the teachers at my school give a five-pound load of homework.
Err, whutevs.

BYYYYYYEEE(until the next time I get on here)EEEEEEEEEE!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sunday morning isn't easy at all.

You know you like that title. lol. 
Flipping Sunday. 
I woke up at eight in the morning. 
That's too early for Sunday. 

Anyways, I planned on re-reading chapter one for reading class about the Holocaust. 
Then I put it off until this afternoon because I'm lazy. haha.
So I read it at like 3 in the afternoon and finished reading the chapter at 5.
How did I do it? I don't know....MAGIC.

I might go to the beach tomorrow. Photos? yes.
I'll bring my camera.
OH OH. And my cousins and I are going to film Box 303.
You guys obviously don't know what that is. 
My cousins and I are making an action short film, and we haven't got anything done since July.
Oh, the productivity.
But yeeeaaaah. It's not like a ghetto short film. It's going to be like..
"We make things look legit" short film. haha.

Just so you know... It's 8:30-ish PM and I'm still working on a reading worksheet.
this is ridiculous. 
i don't have anything to talk about, and i want to go to bed because i slept super late last night. agh.
Reading sucks when it's required.

lol. not much for today. i'm sorry, my day sucked. face the facts.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Rage Quit

Sorry, I went to a party a while ago, and it's like 11pm...I'm tired, ok? I can't really blog. Not like there's anything to blog about, but here's a video for you to watch. There's swear words, just saying. But you need to watch it. It's the funniest thing ever.
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